CUC Education Event – CPD program


We are very pleased to announce the CPD course for our members. Thanks for the kind sponsorship from Chi Wah Insurance Brokers, we have arranged the special offer to our members for CPD training of 5 CPD hours at the special rate of HK$200 only. This offer is only for the first 35 enrolment by current CUC members only. If you are not yet our member, please join us now! You are entitled to a pro-rata membership fee of HK$60 for the remaining 2021. Vista will collect the membership fee along the course application.

The training program is facilitated by Vista Academy. For enrolment, just register online at Vista Academy website arrange payment. Please act immediately!!


Venue : Zoom Class 
Language  : Cantonese
No. of places: 35


Please click here to download the circular.

Part 1 
Course: Personal Line & SME Ins series (CPD ref 80/227/03) 

How to protect SME from different business risks
Date & Time :16 th June 2021 Wednesday 1:30pm to 4:30pm

Lecturer : Dr Tony Lee PhD
Special Fee : HK$120 exclusive for current Chinese Underwriters Club members, Plus pro-rata CUC membership of HK$60 if applicable


Part 2 
Course : Ins Mgt &Legal Studies Series (CPD ref 80/227/02)
Insurance Operations Management

Date & Time : 16th June 2021 Wednesday 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Lecture : Mr Kelvin Cheung ACII, BSc (Econ), MCIM, MBA, FLMI, MSc

Special Fee : HK$80 exclusive for current Chinese Underwriters Club members, Plus pro-rata CUC membership of HK$60 if applicable