CUC Fitness Team kick-off

Social Night Run



We are delighted to introduce the CUC Fitness Team. We will organize regular running and sports gathering for CUC Members to promote Work-Life Balance and Healthy Lifestyle.


Our first meeting will be a Running Class on 25 August 2022 (Thursday). The class will be led by experienced marathon runner and guide you for structured training. The runs are for everyone but particularly for newish runners who would like to get some training.


Date: 25 August 2022 (Thursday)

Time: 19:00 to 20:30 

Venue: Causeway Bay Sports Ground (with lockers, changing room and showers facilities)

Format: 1.5 hours fitness exercises/running, followed by gathering Dinner and Drinks

Cost: Free of Charge for CUC Members


You can invite colleagues/friends/working partners to join CUC membership to enjoy more upcoming benefits


How to apply?


Kindly cleck here to complete the questionnaire and registration in the enclosed link. Your thoughtful reply will help our planning of coming activities.